Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—De-extinction

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Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—De-extinction

Featured in Issues & Controversies:
DE-EXTINCTION: Should Scientists Resurrect Extinct Species?

Humans have a moral responsibility to bring back extinct species and use them to revitalize struggling ecosystems. De-extinction will invigorate conservationism by reshaping the relationship between humans and the natural world and developing new genetic tools to protect endangered species.

De-extinction is morally problematic, expensive, and unrealistic. Resurrection science diverts resources from more pressing conservation needs while inuring the public to the ecological catastrophe of extinction. Experiments in de-extinction will cause animal suffering, and it will be impossible to provide habitat for resurrected species.

Let your students review the facts and decide for themselves: Should scientists resurrect extinct species? Be sure to check out Issues & Controversies’ complete and unbiased coverage of this divisive issue. Enhance the debate with the discussion questions, “By the Numbers” data, primary sources, video content, infographic, editorials, and newsfeed that are linked to the article.

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