Think of fake news as a disease. Without knowing how to identify and stop its spread, information literacy is at risk, especially among audiences whose critical-thinking skills are vulnerable. The new How to Recognize Fake News video series from Motion Masters—available through Films On Demand—equips viewers with tools to spot the stories and images that are false, biased, altered, or slanted, even those shared by trusted friends or family members. Easy tips to detect and check fake news will encourage scrutinizing material for opinion, inaccuracy, or misrepresentation. Target audiences learn how to avoid being duped by fake news and may be less quick to click until they know what’s real and what’s not.
The videos in the How to Recognize Fake News series are among the thousands of high-quality works Films On Demand offers that will entertain, educate, and enlighten viewers. Infobase is proud to carry this important content and to give Films On Demand subscribers convenient, streaming access to these films.