Bloom’s Literature: Celebrate National Poetry Month with Our Full-Text Poems

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Bloom’s Literature: Celebrate National Poetry Month with Our Full-Text Poems

Bloom’s Literature features 2,600+ full-text, searchable poems. Each poem has a corresponding analytical entry in the database, allowing students and researchers to enhance their understanding of a poem’s power by reading the poem alongside criticism of it. This extensive poetry content makes Bloom’s Literature the go-to source for poetry assignments and projects and a great resource for National Poetry Month in April.

The poems are presented in an easily readable format and can be found under “Resources” in the Browse drop-down menu at the top of any page or under “Browse Resources” on the right-hand side of the home page.

Ideas for projects, papers, and classroom use:

  • Ask students to select a poem and “rewrite” or update it for today’s audience
  • Use poems to illustrate or emphasize events in history, such as Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade” on the Crimean War, Howe’s “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” about the Civil War, or Poe’s “The Coliseum” about ancient Rome
  • Ask students to write an essay comparing and contrasting the way two poets have presented the same idea or theme
  • Use the relevant Essay Topics on selected poets as starting points for papers and research, to spark discussion, as lecture launchers, or as assignments
  • Ask students to read a stanza from a poem of their choice each day in April and to explain why they chose it.

Click on the links below for more information about Bloom’s Literature:

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