World News Digest will be relaunching for back-to-school, and one of the many highlights will be the addition of a brand-new video feature! For the first time, users will have... read more →
One of the many highlights of the soon-to-be-relaunched World News Digest will be the addition of an editorial newsfeed featuring current newspaper editorials, many from international sources, via NewsEdge. These thought-provoking new editorials... read more →
Infobase is delighted to announce that the award-winning World News Digest database will soon be relaunched, with a completely new design, improved navigation, powerful new functionality, and a wealth of exciting new... read more →
World News Digest is continuously updated and enhanced, increasing the educational value of this award-winning resource. Here is a recap of some of the content updates made so far this... read more →
World News Digest has been updated and enhanced throughout the past year, increasing the educational value of this award-winning resource. Recent Updates and Additions: News Media Roundups: Added 340 new... read more →