Sing Along with Snoop Dogg—Doggyland Comes to Learn360!

Sing Along with Snoop Dogg—Doggyland Comes to Learn360!

Doggyland with Snoop Dogg, available from Learn360

Today is going to be an amazing day! I choose to feel happy! During the summer months, it can feel easy to fill our minds with positive affirmations. Infobase is here to help you keep those happy thoughts going all year-round. We are proud and excited to announce the addition of Doggyland titles to Learn360

Doggyland is an animated series created by Snoop Dogg, October London, and Claude Brooks, the executive producer of Hip Hop Harry. This engaging series is designed to support emotional well-being and promote diversity and inclusivity. 

Meet Bow Wizzle, voiced by Snoop Dogg, and his feisty and friendly cast of friends as they navigate a wide range of educational topics such as letters, numbers, colors, animals, good habits, hygiene, accepting other people, and more, along with modern remixes of classic nursery rhymes.

Create a classroom routine this school year with these impactful songs and videos.

1. Affirmation Song (Item #287615)

Start your morning circle with the Affirmation Song. In the song, students learn that their feelings matter and that we all get better every single day. After singing and listening to the song, challenge each student to share how they are feeling and one thing that they hope to get better at today.

*Pro Tip: Listing feelings and placing the daily schedule on the board can help students identify feelings and set goals for the day. 

Affirmation Song from Doggyland, available on Learn360

2. Reading Song (Item #287635)

Whether you launch your literacy block with Reader’s Workshop, Reading Rotations, or Drop Everything and Read Time, Reading Song is sure to get your students excited to pick up a book. Sing and listen to Reading Song to start your literacy block. After reading time is over, bring your students to the rug and reflect on the lyric, “You could travel to many different places.” Encourage your students to share all of the different places that they discovered and explored.

*Pro Tip: Get your students moving while they sing, it is much easier to sit still and read, once you’ve had a few moments to get your wiggles out.

Reading Song from Doggyland, available on Learn360

3. Please & Thank You (Item #287633)

Before snack and lunch, reinforce manners by singing Please & Thank You. After watching the video, challenge your students to count how many times they hear “please” and “thank you” during the school day. Also, keep a chart and evaluate whether your students say “please” or “thank you” more during each school day after watching this video. Before you know it, your students will be competing to see how polite they can be!

Please & Thank You from Doggyland, available on Learn360

4. Everybody’s Different (Item #287623)

Recess can be a challenging and exciting part of the school day. Before and after recess each day, schedule some time to celebrate each other’s differences. Sing and listen to Everybody’s Different before heading out to recess to remind your students to be inclusive on the playground. Challenge each student to notice a student who is being kind and inclusive. After recess, reflect on the lyric, “Believe in yourself and trust what you see.” Encourage your students to share  the kind actions that they spotted during recess. 

*Pro Tip: Assign students “secret students” to watch to ensure that all kind actions are noticed and celebrated.

Everybody's Different from Doggyland, available on Learn3605. Clean Up Song (Item #287622)

Joyfully end the day with song and dance (and a clean classroom). At the end of each school day, sing and listen to the Clean Up Song. This song is almost two minutes long, so challenge your students to gather all of their belongings and clean up the classroom as much as possible within the allotted two minutes.Turn clean up into a game: tell your students that you have identified one piece of trash or messy item. Whoever finds and cleans up the messy item will get to choose a bonus song or video for the last few minutes of the day.

*Pro tip: Write the secret trash or messy item on a Post-it note, and delegate a student to keep track of who found the item. This frees you up as teachers to get your own bags packed and ready to go!

Make Bow Wizzle and all of his friends integral members of your classroom this year. Celebrate the joy of singing, dancing, and connecting with one another. Lean into Learn360 and support emotional well-being all year-round with educational videos, printables, and interactive games.

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