ACRL Framework and Your Online Classes

ACRL Framework and Your Online Classes

The fall semester is upon us. There’s a lot to do and new students to orient, especially if they’re new AND facing online learning for the first time. Credo has a few resources you can use to make sure that the work you’re doing this semester better aligns with the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. It’s a lofty goal with everything else going on, but you’ll likely find that much or most of the work you’re doing already meets the framework’s expectations. Read on for how to add to or change your work so that a greater amount of your content meets the six frames.

Credo’s IL Strategy Handbook

As well as covering how to begin or expand an information literacy program at your school, the newly released second edition of The Credo IL Strategy Handbook has a new chapter on developing and teaching online information literacy classes. Also try the chapter on using the ACRL framework in your curriculum, which succinctly summarizes the framework’s goals for your students and discusses practical ways to get them into use. If your school uses other IL standards, such as the older ACRL standards, the AAC&U VALUE rubric, or the international SCONUL Pillars, you’ll find information on using those in the Handbook, too.


Credo often offers webinars that are of interest to instruction librarians. The two listed below are among those we’ve presented in which academic librarians discuss their implementation of the ACRL Framework.

Science IL: A Case Study of a Long-Term Library / Science Faculty Collaboration

In this webinar, Shawna Thorup, Head of Reference and Instruction at NorthWest Arkansas Community College, and Professor Carey Chaney, a science faculty member at the same institution, share their journey from a 2016 presentation about ACRL’s framework to today.

How to Implement the Framework for Information Literacy with Classroom Faculty

This webinar features a discussion of, and answers to, questions such as “Are you working with classroom faculty so that students are engaging in information literacy experiences that are measurable? Do you have a plan for the Framework on your campus? Are you expected to incorporate the Framework into your one-shot library instructions?

Use Our LibGuide!

ACRL Framework information from the "Faculty Guide to Information Literacy – Core: Why Information Literacy?" LibGuideCredo’s help site offers many free items that can help you get the word out about the material in your Information Literacy – Core subscription. One of the resources we offer is a LibGuide that is free to copy and that can help you market the material to faculty. It emphasizes to instructors why information literacy is important and describes how they can use the material in Credo InfoLit – Core to help their students understand the research process and how to think more critically. One tab in our LibGuide lists Credo’s material according to the ACRL Frames, making it handy for subscribers who wish to more easily align their work with ACRL’s recommendations.

See also: