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558 Blog Found

Creative Assessments for the First-Year Experience

Thinking of creative ways to assess your first-year students? Assessment is such a hot topic in academic librarianship today. There’s an assessment program for user experience, instructional services, collections usage,… read more →

HIP in Action Spotlight: Service-Learning and Community-Based Learning in Academic Libraries

An Interview with Librarian Anne Marie Gruber FYE correspondent Raymond Pun interviews academic librarians who are integrating HIPs (high-impact practices) into their work. The Association of American Colleges and Universities… read more →

Accreditation and the FYE: Selected Resources for Longitudinal Studies

Did you know that selected regional accreditation programs may include information literacy as a core competency skill? Are you involved in the accreditation process for your school or library? Today,… read more →

Celebrate International Education Week in Your Libraries!

From November 13–17, International Education Week (IEW) is recognized throughout the world. It is an opportunity for students and educators to celebrate the benefits of international education and global exchanges…. read more →

Celebrating the FYE: Ideas for Recognizing First-Year Students

As the spring semester is slowly wrapping up for many schools across the country, your first-year students should be pretty excited about finishing up this semester and completing their first… read more →

The Impact of Accessibility

It is 6 a.m. on a Monday morning, and I’m awakened by a warm orange light on my face, but it isn’t the sun. Instead of the sun, I open… read more →

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