Films On Demand‘s platform provides users with the content, tools, speed, and performance that today’s online experience demands. Learn more about Films On Demand Master Academic Collection.
And Don’t Miss:
- Allen Community College Supports Student Success with Rich Information Resources During the Pandemic and Beyond: Case Study
- Flex Your Multidisciplinary Muscles with FILMS ON DEMAND and CREDO REFERENCE: Webinar
- Infobase Quick Hits: The Films On Demand Quiz Feature: Webinar
- The Embedded Librarian: Building Relationships Across the College Campus: Webinar
- Films On Demand—2020: A Year in Review: Video
- WOW Your Students in 3 Easy Steps: Infographic
Information literacy is a lifelong learning skill and is vital to success in one’s personal, professional, and academic life. Infobase’s authoritative content, tools, and technology offer strategies to learn new skills and deepen one’s overall knowledge base. Check out products that support and improve digital citizenship, news literacy, identifying misinformation, and critical-thinking and research skills, plus election coverage and much more. LEARN MORE.