In this blog series, I have referred several times to the concept of “modern challenges” to teaching news literacy, and at the risk of sounding repetitive, I will refer again... read more →
There are a number of challenges to teaching news literacy today, not least of which is that news literacy inherently involves reading, well, the news. As we all know, our... read more →
Why Is the Term “Fake News” Problematic? You may have heard the term “fake news” in recent years used to describe misrepresented or falsified information. The problem of inaccurate and... read more →
The modern information landscape is flooded with thousands of news and “news-like” sources. The sheer volume of these sources presents a unique challenge to each one of us being news... read more →
In our recent webinar on Navigating the News Landscape with the Media Bias Chart, Vanessa Otero, CEO of Ad Fontes Media, discussed the challenges educators face in teaching students how... read more →