"Juneteenth" is an annual African-American celebration commemorating the 1865 abolition of slavery in Texas. Though cut off from the rest of the South in 1863, much of Texas remained unoccupied... read more →
Give students, researchers, and patrons a greater understanding and appreciation for the strong heritage of America’s important cultures and contributors. The NEA reaffirms that students who participate in ethnic studies... read more →
Last year, we added two new Topic Centers to Bloom’s Literature—Fine Art and World of Dance—that greatly expanded the award-winning literature database’s coverage of the fine and performing arts. Now,... read more →
After conducting a six-month-long assessment to explore the changing needs of the community our library branch serves, we determined that our number-one priority in moving our services forward should be... read more →
I am a librarian as well as a homeschooling parent. As such, I like to match my knowledge of the library world to the needs of the homeschooling community. Below... read more →