Public Library Programs for the Homeschool Community: Webinar

Public Library Programs for the Homeschool Community: Webinar

More and more families are taking up homeschooling for their children’s education, and a significant percentage of at-home educators rely heavily on public library resources and services to aid in teaching their children. If you’re looking for creative programming ideas that can help you meet your homeschool community’s needs and help at-home students excel in their studies and beyond, watch this webinar, where we hear from three libraries with three very different approaches to public library and homeschool partnerships.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How the Anderson County Library System first connected with their homeschool community and how they fine-tuned the program to be interactive and engaging for the wide age range.
  • About the Homeschool Fairs at Pflugerville Public Library, where the library hosts community groups and organizations to highlight topics of interest to homeschooling families. This annual, open-house-style event allows families to explore the myriad of resources available throughout the city and surrounding area.
  • About the Homeschool Support Group at Austin Public Library. Libraries typically focus their programming efforts for homeschoolers on the children. However, in this program, presenter Rebecca Rich-Wulfmeyer—a public librarian and homeschooling mother—served the parents in a casual monthly meeting in which homeschooling parents and the occasional expert shared information and experiences related to planned topics, and library staff promoted correlating materials, services, and programs.


  • Rachel da Silva, Teen Librarian, Anderson County Library System, Anderson, South Carolina
  • Miriam Church, Branch Manager, Anderson County Library System, Anderson, South Carolina
  • Melissa Grzybowski, Youth Services Librarian/Outreach Coordinator, Pflugerville Public Library, Pflugerville, Texas
  • Rebecca Rich-Wulfmeyer, Librarian, Austin Public Library, Austin, Texas, and Homeschooling Mom
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