“I’d Hire Them If They Would Just Apply”: Attracting & Retaining a Diverse Workforce: Webinar

“I’d Hire Them If They Would Just Apply”: Attracting & Retaining a Diverse Workforce: Webinar

In our growing “buyers’ market,” organizations that want to be successful must not only attract a diverse workforce, but provide a culture and climate where people of different experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds can thrive. The old philosophy that centers around the idea that certain people and backgrounds simply won’t apply is merely an excuse, one that washes organizations’ hands of a lack of diversity and, in turn, hurts the organizational bottom line. This webinar led by thought leader Adam A. Smith provides viewers from the business world, higher education, nonprofit organizations and K–12 schools and districts with an honest look at strategies to create a culture of active diversity, equity, and inclusion through cultural mindfulness to retain an increasingly diverse labor force.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about:

  • Why diverse professionals are not applying to work at your organization, why they are not selected, and why they don’t stay.
  • Best practices in recruitment, hiring, and retention that, if implemented in your organization, will yield candidates and employees of diverse experiences, backgrounds, and skills to increase organizational success.
  • How to unpack your organizational culture to identify barriers to diverse applicants.
  • The organizational, development, and personal needs of a young and diverse workforce.
  • How a lack of diversity does harm to your organization and your organizational success.


Adam A. Smith is a first-generation college graduate who has dedicated his almost three-decade career to ensuring college access and success for all Americans. He currently works at the University of Kentucky as Executive Director of University Academic Advising and has a vibrant public speaking and educational consulting firm, Adam A. Smith & Associates. Smith has led coalitions and innovations that have had a dramatic impact on student success at Metropolitan State University (MN), the University of Alabama, the University of Akron City of Rockford (IL), and Rock Valley College.

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