Chart a New Course: SEL & Teaching Essential Skills for Tomorrow’s World: Webinar

Chart a New Course: SEL & Teaching Essential Skills for Tomorrow’s World: Webinar

In this webinar, edtech consultant Rachelle Dené Poth joins us as we explore versatile ideas and digital tools for helping students to navigate in the digital world while building the vital SEL and communication skills they need. Providing a space to connect with our students is critical. Whether in our classrooms or virtually, we can foster connectedness by leveraging the right tools. Empower students as they develop skills essential for their future!

In this session, you will learn how to:

  • Understand the essential SEL skills and how to create opportunities in the classroom to foster SEL
  • Be ready to integrate innovative tools to promote communication and to better engage, inspire, and reach all learners in any course or level
  • Transform teaching and methods of assessments and instruction through technology to better understand the learners’ needs
  • Create possibilities for student collaboration within the classroom and in a real-world setting in addition to communication outside the traditional classroom time and setting.

About Rachelle Dené Poth

Rachelle Dené Poth is an edtech consultant, presenter, attorney, author, and teacher. Rachelle teaches Spanish and STEAM: Emerging Technology and has a master’s in instructional technology. She is an ISTE Certified Educator, past-president of the ISTE Teacher Education Network, and ISTE Community Leader. She received the Making IT Happen Award in 2019 and was named one of 30 K–12 IT Influencers in 2021. Rachelle is the author of six books focused on education and edtech. Twitter: @Rdene915.

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