Films On Demand: Physical Therapy Collection

Films On Demand: Physical Therapy Collection






Physical Therapy Video Collection

About This Product

To help injured patients make a full recovery and return to their normal routines as quickly as possible, physical therapists and physical therapist assistants need to rely on a thorough understanding of the human body and an ability to recognize both common and rare ailments easily. This collection brings together videos from such trusted producers as Wolters Kluwer Health, Castalia Media, Healthy Learning, U.S. Kinesiology Training Institute, and PESI, Inc., that will help physical therapy students learn and practice crucial techniques in ways textbooks alone cannot. Aspiring physical therapists can find short instructional clips that cover a wide range of physical therapy interventions and examinations—from stretching techniques to wrapping a shin splint—as well as seminars from top trainers and in-depth documentaries on the history of physical and occupational therapy, massage, and biomechanics.

  • Special Tests – a 94-part series presenting special tests used in physical therapy, including varus and valgus stress tests for the knee, finger, wrist, and elbow; Trendelenberg’s test; the 90–90 straight leg test; the patellar grind test; McMurray test; anterior/posterior rib compression test; Milgrim’s test; and much more.
  • Taping and Wrapping Procedures – a 41-part series on wrapping and taping for sports medicine, covering different types of tape and elastic wraps, the RICE method, and steps for wrapping and taping a wide range of sprains, bruises, and other injuries.
  • Joint Mobilizations – a 14-part series providing details on joint mobilization techniques, including posterior glides, subtalar glides, tibial glides, humeral glides, ulnar glides, and radiocarpal glides.
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation – a seven-part series demonstrating the D1 flexion, D1 extension, D2 flexion, and D2 extension stretching techniques.
  • History of Physical Therapy – discusses the ways in which physical education, advances in medicine, the polio epidemic, and the World Wars influenced the growth of physical therapy. It also discusses applications of physical therapy.
  • Sports Massage – includes two hours of sports massage detailing 13 sessions that will give students the tools to work with runners, cyclists, swimmers, tennis players, and other athletes.
  • Therapeutic Strategies for Degenerative Joint Disease: Overcoming Pain and Improving Function: A Lecture – offers case studies and mock patient presentations and reviews the assessment process, detailing the key steps of the pathology, evaluation techniques, and concepts, specifically including skills to evaluate and treat the degenerative joint.
  • New Paradigms in Sports Concussion – presents the latest research and developments in the areas of concussion measurements and mechanisms of injury, physiology of recovery, implications of repeated injury, and the evolving legal environment concerning this injury.

All programs are segmented into multiple pedagogical clips, convenient for intermittent use during classroom lectures or as assigned classwork.

  • Use video in class or as assigned classwork to reinforce complex physical therapy techniques outlined in a textbook
  • Conveniently segmented for lecture and in-class use
  • Unlimited access from any location—on campus or off
  • Tablet- and mobile-friendly
  • Videos can be easily added to LibGuides, distance education courses, social media platforms, and LMSs
  • Captions, interactive transcripts, citations, Google Translate, and more
  • Create and share playlists—use premade clips, full videos, or custom segments to engage students
  • Limited performance rights in educational settings
  • Keyword tags for all content, linking to related material

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