Polling the Nations

Polling the Nations






Polling the Nations

Thousands of Public Opinion Polls—Perfect for Research, Debates, and Discussions

About This Product

Polling the Nations is a critically acclaimed online database of public opinion polls. Aggregated from more than 1,000 sources, the polls feature 750,000+ poll questions covering hundreds of breaking-news events and thousands of topics, including climate change, health care, elections and voting rights, foreign policy, immigration, gun control, affirmative action, criminal justice reform, and many more. The clean, intuitive design and powerful, interactive tools provide users with great flexibility to customize and organize the information exactly as they wish.

Polling the Nations brings together thousands of polls going back more than a third of a century, giving students the tools they need to investigate, analyze, and think critically about the important challenges facing the world—a must-have database for any institution.

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Why Polls Are Important

Polls are essential parts of contemporary life—a trusted measure of public sentiment that help students and scholars gauge what large numbers of people are thinking or doing. By informing citizens, leaders, and businesses what broad swaths of the population believe on specific issues and ideas, polls can even steer the economy, influence elections, and determine the direction of the country.

Polls play a unique and important role in today’s world. Although polls aren’t perfect and can occasionally yield flawed results, evidence shows overwhelmingly that they are the best and most accurate way to measure public opinion at a given moment in a given era. Polls are also objective and unbiased. Unlike other forms of information—articles, reports, speeches, etc.—polls rely entirely on raw data unfiltered by ideology or political slant. In addition, they are easy to read and understand.

A Vital Tool for Researchers

For students, the information gained from polls is especially useful in pro/con discussions, debates, presentations, and reports. The polling results in Polling the Nations can be used to add real-life, up-to-date information on a wide range of topics in subjects including social studies, history, civics, government, political science, economics, current events, sociology, and media and cultural studies. Polling the Nations is also an outstanding resource for math and statistics courses that require students to create graphs to display data.

Polls Are Primary Sources

Clear and unbiased, Polling the Nations’ polls are excellent primary sources that encourage and facilitate critical thinking and learning. Having access to this direct, unfiltered information provides a fresh perspective that can be found in no other place.

The Most Comprehensive Resource

Polling the Nations’ sheer comprehensiveness makes it the best resource for polling data, having more surveys from more sources in more countries than any other resource anywhere. The polls cover all 50 states, dozens of U.S. cities, Canadian provinces, and more than 100 countries around the world. Polling the Nations is updated regularly so users always have access to the latest polls. Plus, having more than 30 years of outstanding reference material makes it easy for researchers to track changing public opinions on topics over time.

  • Definitive coverage: Polling the Nations features the full text of more than 750,000 questions from more than 18,000 surveys conducted in the United States and more than 100 other countries—more nations than any other resource—from 1986 to the present. Plus, an extensive index contains more than 3,000 topics on politics, social issues, economics, and more.
  • Recent coverage: Updated regularly, hundreds of new polls are added every month.
  • Full-color, customizable display: All polls in Polling the Nations appear in full color, and most can be displayed in multiple formats: bar graph, pie chart, and raw data. The interactive display tools allow users to customize the content for reports and presentations.
  • Clear organization: Every poll question in Polling the Nations includes the question’s source, date, sample size, location, and method—all the essential information readers need to interpret, analyze, and understand it. In addition, the poll question pages feature not just the individual poll question, but the entire poll from which the question was asked, enabling students to view every poll in its entirety and in context.
  • Authoritative sources: Polling the Nations provides surveys from the most respected polling organizations in the world, including CNN, ABC/USA Today, CBS/New York Times, Fox News, NBC/Wall Street Journal, Quinnipiac, Economist/YouGov, Marist, and Pew Research Center, as well as from major universities, foundations, associations, and corporations.
  • Easy to search: Polling the Nations’ search bar—always visible on the top of every page—makes finding polls quick and easy, and multiple filter options streamline search results.
  • Easy to browse: Students can also browse polls by Topics, Locations, or Sources using the links in either the right rail of the home page or the drop-down menu in the top left corner of each page. The Topics, Locations, and Sources pages each highlight high-interest subjects in a banner across the top—many of which include a background article to help readers assess and contextualize the polls.
    • Browse by Topic: The Topics page features thousands of topics and subtopics to help readers refine their search.
    • Browse by Location: The Locations page features hundreds of places indicating specific geographic areas where polls were conducted, enabling readers to compare results from state to state or country to country.
    • Browse by Source: The Sources page features more than 1,000 companies whose polls Polling the Nations aggregates, allowing readers to zero in on a single source or compare the results of different polling companies.
  • A range of topics: The timely, curricular topics polled include:
    • Animal rights
    • Celebrities and entertainment
    • Climate change and environmental issues
    • Crime and prisons
    • Economics and finance
    • Education
    • Foreign policy
    • Gay rights
    • Gender
    • Government and politics
    • Gun control
    • Health care reform
    • Immigration
    • Internet and media
    • Legalizing marijuana
    • Police and safety
    • Popular culture
    • Religion
    • Sports
    • and many more.

  • Updated regularly
  • Fully responsive design for mobile and other platforms
  • “Polls in the News” on home page, showcasing current high-interest polls
  • Save to Folder, Print, and Download options in top bar, above each poll; Download option allows users to download poll data to Excel
  • My Content feature, enabling users to save and organize polls for future reference
  • Dynamic citations in MLA and Chicago formats, with EasyBib and NoodleTools export functionality
  • Persistent record links
  • An accessible interface, including VPAT, to ensure a comfortable research experience for all users
  • Searchable Support Center with valuable help materials, how-to tips, tutorials, and live help chat
  • Google Translate for 100+ languages.

  • A range of topics: The timely, curricular topics polled include:
    • Animal rights
    • Celebrities and entertainment
    • Climate change and environmental issues
    • Crime and prisons
    • Economics and finance
    • Education
    • Foreign policy
    • Gay rights
    • Gender
    • Government and politics
    • Gun control
    • Health care reform
    • Immigration
    • Internet and media
    • Legalizing marijuana
    • Police and safety
    • Popular culture
    • Religion
    • Sports
    • and many more.

New & Improved Polling the Nations Coming Soon

We are pleased to announce that our Polling the Nations database is being completely redesigned, rebuilt from the ground up, later this month. The new and improved resource—indispensable for anyone seeking poll data on issues going back more than a third of a century—will feature a cleaner, full…read more →

Polling the Nations: New Questions and Polls

More than 110 new polls with 3,800+ questions have been added to Polling the Nations from trusted sources including CBS News, AARP, Elon University, CNN, Kaiser Family Foundation, NBC, Marist Institute for Public Opinion, and ABC/Washington Post. The new questions and polls cover timely and importa…read more →

Polling the Nations: Brand-New Polls and Questions

Polling the Nations, Infobase’s latest addition to its family of databases, has just received an update that includes 24 new polls from such trusted sources as CBS News, NBC/Wall Street Journal, Quinnipiac, Marist, and Fox News, and more than 700 new questions. These new polls cover such topics as…read more →

Polling the Nations: Trusted Source of Polling Statistics Comes to Infobase

Infobase is proud to announce that it has acquired Polling the Nations, adding it to its list of online resources for high schools and academic and public libraries. Polling the Nations is an online database of public opinion polls containing the full text of more than 700,000 questions and respons…read more →

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