Information Literacy – Health Science

Information Literacy – Health Science






Information Literacy – Health Science

About This Product

Take a quick look at the overview video for Information Literacy – Health Science:

Extend your library’s reach with teaching materials that can be used in health science courses, one-shot sessions, and at the point of need. The health sciences rank among higher education’s most in-demand fields, and this instruction platform will help ensure these students acquire the foundational skills necessary for academic and career success. Furthermore, the Credo Insights analytics tool allows you to measure student outcomes and demonstrate the value of library instruction at your institution.

  • Teach undergraduate and graduate students essential foundational skills that are shown to positively impact retention, GPA levels, graduation rates, and overall student success.
  • Engage users with high-quality videos and tutorials on topics of profound importance to their current studies and lifelong goals.
  • Simplify collaboration with faculty by providing instructional content that is easy to embed in learning management systems and in LibGuides.
  • Save time and resources compared to creating materials from scratch and keeping them updated.
  • Devote more time to hands-on instruction by using multimedia to “flip the class.”
  • Assess student progress and adjust your instruction strategy based on reliable evidence.
  • Maintain accreditation requirements around information literacy and critical-thinking standards.

  • Multimedia content: 30+ customizable e-learning objects support librarians’ teaching of foundational skills within the health science disciplines.
  • Flexibility: Information Literacy – Health Science lets users mix and match tutorials, videos, and quizzes to address the demands of different courses and specific students.
  • Customization: Tailor Information Literacy – Health Science to your institution’s specific needs with on-demand customization of tutorials, quizzes, and student platform.
  • Information Literacy Standards: Information Literacy – Health Science materials align with multiple standards including the ACRL framework and standards, SCONUL 7 pillars, ANZIIL standards, and the AAC&U Information Literacy VALUE Rubric.
  • Credo Insights: With Information Literacy – Health Science, users can measure student progress with robust analytics for assessment and usage reporting.
    • Drill down into the data on specific quizzes, questions, and answer choices.
    • See specific students’ and classes’ performance on particular assessments and over time.
    • Generate usage reports for the number of students using the platform as well as the frequency of their usage.
    • Filter and compare reports by month and by course.
    • Combine any number of filters for the exact report you need using Insights’ business analytics engine and dynamically generated reports.
    • Illustrate the value of foundational skills instruction to other stakeholders at your institution.
  • Faculty Engagement: Users can benefit from free resources like this Faculty LibGuide for Information Literacy – Health Science to support their collaboration efforts.
  • Administrator dashboard: Information Literacy – Health Science lets users conveniently manage assessment downloads and tutorial/quiz customizations.
  • Integration options: The Credo Courseware platform offers a wide range of integration options, including LibGuides and learning management systems (D2L, Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, etc.). Each item may be added as a digital object, and assessments may be integrated into instructors’ gradebooks.
  • Instructor access to Credo Insights via LTI: Instructors may access Credo Insights to see student assessment data for themselves, in addition to seeing the grades in their LMS gradebook.
  • FERPA compliance: To ensure students’ privacy, the Credo Courseware platform is fully FERPA-compliant.
  • ADA compliance: Information Literacy – Health Science is fully ADA-compliant, enabling accessibility for all learners. 

IL Strategy Handbook: A step-by-step approach to creating or improving an IL program, with current research, examples, and activities.

InfoLit Learning Community: Access articles, webinars, and tools to support instruction around information literacy, media literacy, critical thinking, and research skills.

While our Information Literacy – Core content package provides a more general overview of foundational skills suitable for general education and First-Year Experience courses, Information Literacy – Health Science is designed to offer much more specific instruction. Here is a sample of the material that can be added to your instruction when you use Information Literacy – Health Science:

Health Resources:

  • PubMed Tips and Tricks: A tutorial that includes multiple checkpoints and a screencast video of PubMed database usage. This tutorial provides students with an overview of the purpose and scope of PubMed and offers strategies for determining whether to use the database and how to use it to best meet information needs.
  • CINAHL: A tutorial with checkpoints that provides students with an overview of the purpose and scope of CINAHL, how to best determine if the database can meet an information need, and how to formulate an appropriate search.

Understanding and Using Research Sources:

  • Reading a Scholarly Article: A tutorial, including checkpoints and a mini-video, that provides an overview of the elements to look for in a scholarly article, including relevance, reliability, and quality. The tutorial guides students through how to look for and identify these elements in the various components commonly found in a scholarly article, from title and abstract through methodology, data, and conclusions.

Research Needs and Search Strategies:

  • Intro to Medical Databases: A full-length video that teaches students to identify the features and characteristics of medical databases in order to select the most appropriate database for their research needs.
  • Search Strategy for Health Information: A tutorial with checkpoints that provides an introductory overview of strategies and techniques for locating reliable, accurate, and current health information as a student and a practitioner.
  • PICO Questions Part 1: Writing a PICO Question: A tutorial that includes multiple checkpoints, walking students through the components of a PICO question and how to write their own question.
  • PICO Questions Part 2: From PICO Question to Search: A tutorial that includes a mini-video and multiple checkpoints allowing students to practice transitioning from a PICO question they develop to focused searches for relevant information.

Evidence-Based Practice:

  • Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice: A tutorial, including checkpoints and a mini-video, that provides an overview of the concept of evidence-based practice and its significance to the study and practice of clinical care. Concepts introduced include the evidence-based practice triangle and the cycle of 5 A’s.
  • Identifying Types of Evidence: A tutorial, including checkpoints, that introduces students to the types of evidence they will encounter during the Acquire stage of evidence-based practice. Types of evidence include systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-controlled studies, background information, and expert opinion.
  • Understanding Study Design: A tutorial, featuring checkpoints and a mini-video, that builds upon students’ understanding of the types of evidence they will encounter when acquiring evidence. The tutorial walks students through the purpose and characteristics of randomized trials, observational cohort studies, and studies of diagnostic test properties, prognosis, and differential diagnosis. A study example and a list of study benefits and limitations are provided for each study design.
  • Using the Hierarchy of Evidence: A tutorial, including checkpoints and a mini-video, that builds upon students’ understanding of types of evidence and study design. The tutorial introduces students to the hierarchy of evidence that they may use to assess the quality of studies located during the Acquire stage of evidence-based practice.

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