The award-winning World Almanac® database is continuously updated with fresh data and special reports. Here are some of the latest updates and additions:
2018 Year in Review: Includes Top 10 News, Statistical Spotlight, Offbeat News, Notable Quotes, Obituaries, Time Capsule, and much more.
2018 Year in Pictures: Nearly 100 images chronicle all aspects of 2018, from Black Panther and the Winter Olympics to the midterm elections and western wildfires. Archives go back 13 years and include more than 1,000 images covering major events in the U.S. and around the world.
World at a Glance: Historical anniversaries and milestone birthdays for 2019, new Number Ones and Surprising Facts, and other statistical highlights.
Members of the 116th Congress: Includes 2018 election results and information about the new congressional leadership and member demographics.
World Almanac® Editors’ Picks—Senior Moments: Memorable Achievements by Aging Athletes: With leading athletes like Tom Brady and Serena Williams approaching middle age while still at the top of their game, The World Almanac® editors look at the sports world’s most memorable achievements by aging athletes.
Click on the links below for more information about The World Almanac®: