New and updated eBooks have been added to Infobase’s Middle-High School eBook Subscription across a wide range of subject areas, making the eBook collection more comprehensive and current than ever—with 670+ titles with 2017 and 2018 copyright dates! All eBook titles in the Middle-High School eBook Subscription, including these new titles, can be easily integrated into any online catalog via free MARC records.
The wealth of new titles added include:
- New and updated literature titles in series such as Bloom’s Modern Critical Interpretations
- New and updated science titles in series such as Science Foundations, Our Fragile Planet, and Trailblazers in Science and Technology
- New and updated history titles in series such as Primary Sources in American History, Famous Trials in History, and Landmark Supreme Court Cases
- New and updated career titles, including the complete Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance, 17th Edition
- And more!