Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Confederate Monuments

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Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Confederate Monuments

Featured in Issues & Controversies:
Confederate Monuments: Is it appropriate for states to display monuments to the Confederacy?

Confederate monuments are symbols of southern pride and heritage, honoring the valor and courage of Confederate soldiers who sacrificed their lives during the Civil War, and should be displayed on public property. It is wrong to vilify symbols that many people value just because a misguided few have misappropriated their meaning.

Confederate monuments are symbols of racism, hate, and treason and have become inextricably tied to slavery, white supremacy, segregation, and discrimination against African Americans. Displaying Confederate symbols on public property endorses a harmful ideology that perpetuates the errors of the past.

Let your students review the facts and decide for themselves: Is it appropriate for states to display monuments to the Confederacy? Be sure to check out Issues & Controversies’ complete and unbiased coverage of this timely issue. Enhance the debate with the discussion questions, “By the Numbers” data, primary sources, media, editorials, and newsfeed that are linked to the article.

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