Films On Demand: New Searchable Playlists

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Films On Demand: New Searchable Playlists

Playlists are a valuable tool that allows users to compile specific video segments into a custom viewing experience. Over the years, more than 90,000 Films On Demand playlists have been created by faculty and librarians to share with their students. Infobase is pleased to announce that these playlists can now easily be made searchable and shared with a subscriber’s entire institution or consortium.

What does it mean to make a playlist searchable?

Making a playlist searchable means that anyone from a subscriber’s institution will be able to find it, use it, or copy and edit it for their own purposes. All searchable playlists will show up in the new “Playlists” tab in the search results.

By making playlists searchable, users can:

  • Share their favorite playlists, letting others in their institution benefit from their great work
  • Collaborate with other librarians and faculty, who will be able to make their own edits to their version of the playlist
  • Make it easy for others at their institution to access quality content.

How to make your playlist searchable:

For playlists created before this new feature was available, users can easily make them searchable by changing a setting. For new playlists, users will be able to make them searchable from the start. This is an optional feature—searchability can be turned on/off for a particular playlist, and account administrators can also turn this feature on/off for the entire account.

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