Classroom Video On Demand pays tribute to three of the most influential leaders in American and world history this month. Subscribers can also explore the complete calendar (accessible via the menu in the header, top left)—a handy source for ideas throughout the year.
Abraham Lincoln Issues Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, September 22, 1862
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Emancipation Proclamation Celebrates 150 Years and an Enduring Power to Inspire (Item #58045)
- Blood and Glory: The Civil War in Color series (Item #130754)
- Found Voices: The Slave Narratives (Item #9180)
Thomas Jefferson Appointed Secretary of State, September 26, 1790
Consider these titles for your classes:
- History Alive: Thomas Jefferson (Item #42489)
- Voltaire and Jefferson: The Sage of Ferney and the Man from Monticello (Item #11807)
- Mr. Jefferson and His University (Item #4108)
Birthday: Mahatma Gandhi, October 2, 1869
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Gandhi series (Item #55144)
- A&E Classroom: Mahatma Gandhi—The Great Soul (Item #42365)
- India after Independence (Item #2602)