This month, Classroom Video On Demand pays tribute to brave souls and remembers those lost to the first atomic bomb. Subscribers can also check out the complete calendar (accessible via the menu in the header, top left)—a handy source for ideas throughout the year.
Anne Frank Captured, August 4, 1944
Consider these titles for your classes:
- The Diary of Anne Frank: A Tale of Two Sisters (Item #93997)
- Final Days of Anne Frank (Item #137993)
- Memories of Anne Frank (Item #8833)
U.S. Drops Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, August 6, 1945
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Hiroshima series (Item #55148)
- Hiroshima: The Real History (Item #95113)
- August 6, 1945: Hiroshima (Item #161016)
Birthday: Davy Crockett, August 17, 1786
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Empire of Liberty (Item #160928)
- Bio4Kids: Davy Crockett—American Frontier Legend (Item #42524)
- THC Classroom: Remember the Alamo (Item #43128)