This month, Classroom Video On Demand examines teens and autism, explores a century of rapid change to Earth’s last frontier, and offers a look at one of America’s most enigmatic founding fathers. Subscribers can also check out the complete calendar (accessible via the menu in the header, top left)—a handy source for ideas throughout the year.
World Autism Awareness Day, April 2, 2019
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Asperger’s: Sean’s Story (Item #145227)
- Autism: Insight from Inside (Item #128513)
- Young & Gifted: Christopher Duffley, 15, Blind and Autistic Teen Inspiring Others with His Voice (Item #129342)
Explorers Reach the North Pole, April 6, 1909
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Operation Arctic series (Item #145427)
- Arctic Meltdown series (Item #48983)
- The Last Frontier (Item #149002)
Birthday: Thomas Jefferson, April 13, 1743
Consider these titles for your classes:
- History Alive: Thomas Jefferson (Item #42489)
- The Unfinished Nation—Best Laid Plans… (Item #71414)
- The Presidents: 1789–1825 (Item #43174)