Infobase is proud to announce the official relaunch of the award-winning Bloom’s Literature, which boasts a dynamic new design, the largest addition of new content in the history of the database, and exciting new features that will greatly enrich the study of literature.
Highlights of the Relaunch:
- More intuitive interface featuring a clean new design
- All-new Shakespeare Center housing in one convenient location the database’s treasure trove of content on all things Shakespeare, including in-depth coverage of each of his plays; analysis of his sonnets and longer poems; the full, searchable text of all of his plays; the full text of the award-winning Facts On File Companion to Shakespeare; performance videos; scholarly criticism from prestigious books, journals, and critics; extensive background essays; “How to Write about” entries; discussion questions; and more
- Redesigned “How to Write about” section with improved functionality
- New Literary Classics eBook shelf containing the full contents of more than 800 classic works of literature selected from Bloom’s Literary Canon
- Thousands of new images, many in full color
- 200+ new full-length performance videos of classic literary works (bringing the total number to more than 400!)
- The full contents of hundreds of additional books edited by Harold Bloom
- New student and educator curriculum tools, including “Teaching Literature through Film”
- New and improved search capabilities
- Dynamic citations with updated MLA8 citations and new EasyBib export functionality
- New features and functionality, including Google Translate, Read Aloud, support for Google Sign-In, Save to Google Drive, and Share to Google Classroom
- A variety of integration options and partners, including Schoology, Canvas, D2L (Desire2Learn), and many others
- And more!
Want more details about the newly relaunched database? Click here for an overview (PDF).
Click on the links below for more information about Bloom’s Literature: