American History is continuously updated and enhanced, increasing the educational value of this award-winning resource. Here is a recap of some of the content updates made so far this year.
- Images: Added more than 1,000 new images, many on important topics such as daily life, city and urban living, entertainment, religion, and education, to name just a few.
- Articles: Added 101 famous trials in history, including such significant cases as:
- The Salem witch trials
- Trials of Anne Hutchinson
- Trial of John Peter Zenger
- Boston Massacre trials
- Trial of the Amistad mutineers
- Trial of John Brown
- Haymarket trials
- Sacco-Vanzetti trials
- John Scopes trial
- Scottsboro Boys’ trials
- And many more.
- Topic Centers: Updated the U.S. Government Topic Center with the latest political biographies, speeches, and events from:
- American Political Leaders, Second Edition, which features biographical profiles of present and past leaders in U.S. politics
- Presidential Profiles: Biographical Dictionaries, including the biographies of key political figures in the administrations of the modern presidency.
Click on the links below for more information about American History: