Selected Infobase databases now feature an “Export to NoodleTools” option for citation information. This new feature can be found via the Citation pop-up window on any page users wish to... read more →
Interested in our Ancient and Medieval History and Modern World History databases? Want to see how they work? Check out the overview videos below! ... read more →
Just in time for the AP World History: Modern exam on May 14, a new Themes in Modern History section has been added to the Modern World History database, exploring... read more →
Infobase has added itslearning to its selection of supported LTI apps for Modern World History. Subscribers can embed Modern World History resources directly into their courses without leaving the LMS.... read more →
Modern World History is continuously updated and enhanced, increasing the educational value of this award-winning resource. Here is a recap of some of the content updates made so far this year.... read more →