Digital Citizenship Videos

Digital Citizenship Videos

Use These Two Videos from Source Reference to Teach Digital Citizenship

We realize that digital citizenship is a core concept to building information literacy skills and are pleased to share these two exclusive videos from Source Reference for in-person or virtual instruction, one-shot sessions, or self-guided mini-lessons.

The two Digital Citizenship videos below are part of the Research Skill Builders modules within Source Reference, that cultivate essential information literacy skills, such as evaluating sources, avoiding plagiarism, and more. Learn more about Source Reference or take a free trial

Video: Digital Citizenship, Part 1

“As the digital world continues to expand, we all have the potential to become smart, safe, and effective digital citizens,” says this video. But what are digital citizens? Think first about the word “citizens,” says the video. It means people who participate actively in their community and follow its rules and laws. Digital citizenship is similar: As a digital citizen, you use the Internet or other information technology regularly and effectively and understand what behavior is responsible and appropriate. Organizing the information you share and use online is an important first step in responsible digital citizenship, the video reminds viewers, and is likely something they’re already doing.

Video: Digital Citizenship, Part 2

Building on the first Digital Citizenship video, this one covers times when you might be tempted to behave online in ways that you would avoid in person. “In this ‘tech bubble,’’ students are reminded, “we can forget there’s another human on the other end of the Internet whose feelings can be hurt.” Social media posts, comments, and other online interactions are a “digital broadcast,” and even if you delete them, they may be findable by others. The video also discusses the importance of strong passwords and other ways of protecting your personal information. Students will finish these the digital citizenship videos with a solid foundation for thinking more about how to be safe and productive online, and will be ready for more in-depth class discussions on related real-life scenarios and problems.

Source Reference integrates highly acclaimed reference content with instructional videos and tutorials to provide research instruction in the classroom and at the point of need.

To learn more about Infobase’s resources that teach and support digital citizenship, please contact

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