Whether it takes the form of painting, dance, or fashion, art can have a powerful impact on people, especially the young. It can inspire empathy and challenge us to see... read more →
You’ve no doubt heard about it in the news: a massive uptick in book challenges in institutions nationwide. The American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom tracked more than 1,269... read more →
Bloom's Perpetual eBook Collection Save Up to 40% onthe Newest Literary Criticism Titles For a limited time only—add perpetual purchase eBooks to your literature collection at up to 40% off.... read more →
When you’re interested in watching a movie and want to learn more about it beforehand, what do you do? Well, you’re not likely to go into the theater cold, so... read more →
ChatGPT is terrifyingly good at lots of things, but not at understanding literature—and we have the test scores to prove it. It’s been widely reported that the latest version of... read more →