Summer reading season is coming up! Librarians know that a great way to promote the library’s resources, encourage young patrons to read more, and help prevent the dreaded “summer slide”... read more →
You’ve heard about it, you’ve likely witnessed it in students, and you more than likely experienced it when you were young and still in school. As much as students (and... read more →
William Shakespeare’s impact on literature is almost impossible to measure. He was responsible for introducing somewhere between 1,500 to 3,000 words to the English language, and people are still making... read more →
Let’s face it—few people think of encyclopedias as “light reading.” And, yet, some of the most fascinating book titles you can find come in the form of reference books. Subscribers... read more →
How much do we love poetry? Let us count the ways! April is National Poetry Month, and we have lots of fun activity ideas to help you celebrate. Here are... read more →