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Project-Based Learning Ideas with Learn360: Look Toward the Future

From AI technology to cryptocurrency, the world around us is quickly changing. Learn360 has all the multimedia content to inform, prepare, and engage your students with practical, real-world learning opportunities…. read more →

Same Learning Cloud, New Look

Infobase Learning Cloud—the acclaimed cloud-based platform that provides upskilling, course authoring, and professional development solutions for K–12 schools and districts, colleges and universities, public libraries, and corporations—has a new look…. read more →

Today’s Science Brings Home the Platinum!

Ask any scientist what they know about platinum, and they’d tell you that it’s a dense but malleable precious silver-white metal with a high melting point. They may even know… read more →

5 Interview Tips to Help You Land That Dream Job

A father and daughter duo share their interview experiences and wisdom that resulted in landing multiple job offers. The journey begins with the need to advance our marketing careers. The… read more →

Self-Care Is Not Selfish

The celebrations of the holiday season are a joyous time for many of us, and the new year is now upon us! As winter settles in, January brings us back… read more →

Embracing New Year’s Resolutions with Learn360

Happy New Year from Learn360! The new year is a wonderful time to reset your classroom expectations, reflect on individual growth, and establish resolutions for the coming year. Learn360 and… read more →

Visit Infobase’s Booth #2705 at FETC!

Will you be attending the Future of Education Technology Conference in New Orleans on January 24–26? If so, please visit Infobase booth #2705 to enter our prize raffle and to… read more →

3 Mentoring Stories You Will Remember

Being a mentor or mentee comes with many unique benefits, and often the relationship begins in unexpected ways with unanticipated short- and long-term rewards. Let’s explore three short stories that… read more →

Database Instruction 101: Taking Students Beyond Google

I can’t tell you how many times I have taught a lesson to a class about using particular databases for an assignment, and while I’m walking around helping students individually… read more →

5 Common Learning Styles in Online Education Teachers Should Know

You know that different people learn best in different ways, but when you’re designing an online course it could be difficult to accommodate them all. Today there are countless software… read more →

Exploring a World of Magic

For several of the explorations I’ve done on this journey, I’ve tried to purposefully push myself outside of my comfort zone by exploring areas that I don’t know very well…. read more →

Creating a Digital History Internship: Interview with Adrianna Martinez

Most academic librarians engage with students in various ways, and one of those meaningful and life-changing ways is offering an internship. One of my professional goals is to create a… read more →

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