Streaming Video in a Streaming Classroom: Create a Trouble-Free Online Learning Environment with Infobase: Webinar
Streaming video doesn’t look great in a streaming classroom. Attempting to share a video on your screen, live, in a webinar environment leads to a less than ideal experience for the student—video lags, audio doesn’t make it through, etc. With Infobase’s streaming video products, flip the classroom and allow students to watch seamless content on their own screens before joining a live class discussion. This webinar walks you through specific tips to help faculty create useful learning tools in all of our streaming video products.
You will learn:
- How to create a user account
- How to find unique link or embed code—and what embedding looks like (LMS & LibGuide)
- How to create a playlist
- What you can do with a playlist
- How to create a custom segment and share it
- How to add custom content
- About special integration tools for Canvas and Schoology