It’s Easy to Share Content for Virtual Instruction or Distance Learning with Selected Infobase Databases

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It’s Easy to Share Content for Virtual Instruction or Distance Learning with Selected Infobase Databases

If your institution is one of the many that are urgently putting together distance learning programs and protocols, Infobase has got you covered. Selected databases—including African-American History, American History, American Indian History, Ancient & Medieval History, Modern World History, World Religions, Bloom’s Literature, Health Reference Center, and/or Science Online—include many features that will be helpful to faculty and staff preparing online classes and activities, particularly with sharing content. All are easy to access 24/7 and can be used for student research on-site or off, homework help, and virtual instruction.

Here are some “sharing” features subscribers to these databases can use:

  • Share to Google Classroom and save to Google Drive—students can complete and share assignments from home
  • Schoology and Canvas Integration—these nine databases have an LTI app for these two LMSs. For institutions that use either LMS, faculty can directly embed content from the product(s) they subscribe to into their courses without leaving the LMS
  • Embed Codes—these allow educators to add content into any HTML page or learning management system (LMS). This makes it really easy to share content with students via systems you may already have in place
  • Record URLs/Permalinks—these allow educators to email links to specific pages or content, such as articles and videos, directly from within the products or your own email; these can also be used in any LMS

For more details on sharing options, check out this one-page Sharing Quick Tips PDF.

Subscribers will also find:

  • A searchable Support Center for specifics on how to use any of these features and more
  • Educator Guides for each database, full of helpful tips on how to use the products, including ideas that can be used for distance learning

Click on the links below for more information about African-American History:

Click on the links below for more information about American History:

Click on the links below for more information about American Indian History:

Click on the links below for more information about Ancient and Medieval History:

Click on the links below for more information about Modern World History:

Click on the links below for more information about World Religions:

Click on the links below for more information about Bloom’s Literature:

Click on the links below for more information about Health Reference Center:

Click on the links below for more information about Science Online: