Where did the presidential nominees in recent elections stand on the big issues? Issues & Controversies’ “Presidency and Presidential Races” section offers comprehensive background on all presidential campaigns since 1996—including articles about each candidate’s views on controversial matters, party platforms, excerpts from speeches, and much more—along with articles discussing the presidencies and campaigns of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. Did these presidents govern effectively and successfully? The “Presidency and Presidential Races” section allows users to explore the pros and cons of each presidential administration and the elections they won.
From the bottom of the home page (or any page in the Issues & Controversies database), users can click on the “Presidency and Presidential Races” link to begin their research. The discussion questions, primary sources, chronologies, editorial cartoons, and “By the Numbers” data linked to the articles all enhance the debate. Users can also check out several thought-provoking debate videos on the presidency and American politics, including Obama’s Foreign Policy Spells America’s Decline: A Debate; George W. Bush Is the Worst President of the Last 50 Years: A Debate; The Republican Party Must Seize the Center or Die: A Debate; and The Two-Party System Is Making America Ungovernable: A Debate.
The winner of 7 major awards, Issues & Controversies is an ideal resource for research papers, debate preparation, and persuasive writing assignments. This valuable database helps researchers understand today’s crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture.