This month’s programming suggestions from Films On Demand help students learn more about global human rights as well as the Nanking Massacre, one of literature’s most beloved female novelists, America’s aviation innovators, and the second U.S. president in history to be impeached. Subscribers can also explore the complete calendar (accessible via the menu in the top left of the header) for the year’s milestones, holidays, and events—a handy source for ideas throughout the year. (Content may vary for international collections.)
Human Rights Day, December 10, 2019
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Human Rights (Item #129257)
- Rights & Wrongs: Human Rights Television series (Item #53112)
- Voices of Dissent: Freedom of Speech and Human Rights in China (Item #40611)
- Human Rights Leaders (Dalai Lama, UNICEF, John Bird, PETA, Wangari Maathai): Advocates of Change (Item #65390)
- Trailblazers in Habits: The Sisters Who Stood up for Human Rights (Item #110725)
- Breaking the Wall of Human Rights Violations: How Advocacy and Activism Pave the Way for Rights and Dignity (Item #60311)
- WE THE ECONOMY: Supply Chain Reaction—What Do Human Rights Have to Do With the Economy? (Item #60815)
Nanking Captured by Japanese Army, December 13, 1937
Consider these titles for your classes:
- The Rape of Nanking (Item #118397)
- The Rape of Nanking: Massacre on a Monumental Scale (Item #43104)
- The Rape of Nanking (Item #39119)
- Genocide in the First Half of the 20th Century (Item #29046)
- WW II: China’s Forgotten War—Part 1 (Item #112688)
- Road to War (Item #140037)
- The War That Changed The World: Part 1 (Item #163265)
Birthday: Jane Austen, December 16, 1775
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Jane Austen: A Concise Biography (Item #43959)
- Presumption: The Life of Jane Austen (Item #141229)
- Pride and Prejudice series (Item #167031)
- The Real Jane Austen (Item #33347)
- Jane Austen (Item #140291)
- Pride and Prejudice series (dramatization) (Item #110711)
- Emma series (Item #128845)
- Sense and Sensibility series (Item #128955)
The Wright Brothers’ First Successful Powered Flight, December 17, 1903
Consider these titles for your classes:
- On Great White Wings (Wright Brothers) (Item #155266)
- Legends of Air Power: The Wright Brothers (Item #129024)
- Century of Flight: Man Learns to Fly 1900–14 (Item #185478)
- Pioneers of Aviation: Time to Remember (Item #57663)
- The Big Picture: Fifty Years of Aviation (Item #45030)
- Century of Flight series (Item #185492)
- Legends of Air Power series (Item #128998)
- Flight: Quirky Science (Item #50324)
President Bill Clinton Impeached, December 19, 1998
Consider these titles for your classes:
- The Rhetorical Highlights from the Impeachment of Bill Clinton (Item #49185)
- President Bill Clinton: Interview (1/21/98) (Item #162860)
- Bill Clinton: My Life (7/7/04) (Item #142614)
- Bill Clinton: Commander in Chief (Item #59325)
- TEDTalks: Monica Lewinsky—The Price of Shame (Item #114607)
- Taylor Branch: The Clinton Tapes (10/12/09) (Item #142693)