Access Video On Demand provides countless ideas for community programming, including titles on autism spectrum disorder, springtime holy days, and difficult topics such as sexual assault as well as programs to help patrons celebrate National Library Week. Subscribers can also explore the complete calendar (accessible via the menu in the header) for the year’s milestones, holidays, and events—a great source for programming ideas throughout the year.
April Is Autism Awareness Month
Consider these titles for programming/patron interest:
- Autism in America (Item #137723)
- Autism: Insight from Inside (Item #128513)
- Ideas Roadshow: Autism—A Genetic Perspective Part 1 (Item #93900) and Part 2 (Item #93901)
Holy Days: Spring’s Reminders of Renewal and Rebirth across Many Faiths
Consider these titles for programming/patron interest:
- Holy Days: Christian and Jewish Feasts and Rituals (Item #8314)
- Apostle Paul: A Polite Bribe (Item #60531)
- Moses and the Passover Meal (Item #58908)
- Bible’s Buried Secrets series (Item #57437)
- Guatemala: Holy Week—My Americas (Item #94996)
- Let’s Celebrate: Easter (Item #75686)
- Jerusalem: The Making of a Holy City series (Item #52512)
- The Mystery of the Tomb of Jesus: The Quest for the Historical Christ (Item #30093)
- Moses (Item #58923)
- Ancient Bibles: The Beauty of Books (Item #55768)
- Judea: Deserts and Life (Item #55097)
- Sister Rose’s Passion (Item #52387)
April Is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Consider these titles for programming/patron interest:
- Non-Consensual Sexuality: Clinical Conversations for the Human Sexuality Classroom (Item #111663)
- Underage & Under the Influence: Sexual Assault Case in Maryville, Missouri (Item #66462)
- TEDTalks: Ashley Judd—How Online Abuse of Women Has Spiraled Out of Control (Item #160646)
- The Founder of #MeToo Doesn’t Want Us to Forget Victims of Color (Item #145897)
National Library Week, April 7–13, 2019
Consider these titles for programming/patron interest:
- Cool Spaces: Libraries (Item #151187)
- Libraries Gave Us Power: Illuminations—The Private Life of Kings (Item #55154)
- Digital Amnesia: Are We Losing Our Collective History? (Item #65010)
- Library Director—Career Q&A: Professional Advice and Insight (Item #113289)