More than 60 new videos have just been added to Bloom’s Literature, including television and film adaptations of classic novels, a noted production of King Lear, and PBS interviews with... read more →
As more and more educators adapt to distance learning, Bloom’s Literature can help. Bloom’s Literature is rich with well-organized, curated content on core authors and works…and more. It is easy to... read more →
Dinosaurs are a popular topic among young researchers studying the life sciences, and The World Almanac® for Kids now has a new topic area devoted to these prehistoric giants. Divided... read more →
Featured in Issues & Controversies in American History: Who Should Pay for the Cost of Cleaning Up Hazardous Waste Sites? In 1978, New York State health commissioner Robert Whalen declared a... read more →
For students considering routes to a great career other than attending a four-year college, Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center’s advice and resources on apprenticeships have been completely revised and updated to... read more →