A lot can happen in 500 years, and the past 500 were no exception! The sheer number of world-changing events and major shifts in science, technology, philosophy, and economics are... read more →
Historically, the voices of Black storytellers have been excluded from mainstream media. Thankfully, that has started to change. By celebrating and supporting Black authors, we understand more authentic storytelling that... read more →
Some claim that poetry is useless, to which we at Infobase respond: “Not on Valentine’s Day.” Anyone who’s received a classic love poem in a note—or better, been the subject... read more →
In an era of increasing polarization, critical-thinking skills are more essential than ever. Educators can use controversial issues in the news to help students develop these skills by providing reliable... read more →
Every February is Black History Month, when we celebrate the achievements of African Americans and the significant roles they have played and the impact they have made on all facets... read more →