Join us for a 45-minute tour of Credo Reference, a research starting point for students taking their first few steps away from Wikipedia into academic research.


Join us for a 45-minute tour of Credo Reference, a research starting point for students taking their first few steps away from Wikipedia into academic research.

Encourage Community Building (In Person or Virtually) with ACCESS VIDEO ON DEMAND for Public Libraries

This webinar will showcase some of the world-class video content in the Access Video On Demand platform that your library patrons want and need during this time of social distancing for personal improvement, whether it's getting in better shape, learning new skills (or perhaps sharpening existing ones), or just generally achieving greater productivity in every area of life.

Encourage Community Building (In Person or Virtually) with ACCESS VIDEO ON DEMAND for Public Libraries

This webinar will showcase some of the world-class video content in the Access Video On Demand platform that your library patrons want and need during this time of social distancing for personal improvement, whether it's getting in better shape, learning new skills (or perhaps sharpening existing ones), or just generally achieving greater productivity in every area of life.

Video Trust Virtual Market

Video Trust is a 40-year-old nonprofit corporation that used to go by the name of National Media Market. Video Trust strengthens libraries through publishing, holding educational events, providing professional development, sponsoring research, and advocating at all levels for adequate attention to the critical understanding and appreciation of film.

Video Trust Virtual Market

Video Trust is a 40-year-old nonprofit corporation that used to go by the name of National Media Market. Video Trust strengthens libraries through publishing, holding educational events, providing professional development, sponsoring research, and advocating at all levels for adequate attention to the critical understanding and appreciation of film.