
Embedded Librarian Toolkit: Primary Sources

Join us for a 30-minute, rapid-fire tour of the speeches, documents, images, polls, audio recordings, video, editorials, political cartoons, articles, and more available from Infobase.

K–12 Highlights: Self-Directed Learning

Take a quick 30-minute tour of two Infobase products—Learn360 (for K–12 schools and districts) and Classroom Video On Demand (for high schools)—to see how we can help your library provide educational materials no matter the circumstance.

Strong Cross-Curricular K–12 Content for Engagement and Retention

Join us to see how our core cross-curricular services Learn360, Classroom Video On Demand, The World Almanac® for Kids, The World Almanac® for Kids Elementary, and Source Reference can support your technology needs, your educators, and your library.