
Professional Development and Training: Staying Ahead of the Academic Curveball

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demands and expectations placed upon educators have changed—and grown—at breakneck speed. This webinar outlines some of the main problems and discusses how instructors are embracing new technologies to help their students learn and adapt to changing learning environments.

CHOICE Webcast: Closing the Gaps with Professional Development: Strategies to Support Educators in a Changing Learning Environment

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed gaps in how successfully higher education institutions have been able to deliver quality online instruction. The best course content may not have much impact if instructors haven’t been trained in how to use it in a virtual setting. Professional development and training helps close these gaps by providing essential software and technology training, online instructional strategies, tips to sharpen skills, and resources to empower educators and students to adapt to changing environments. This webinar will highlight not only the vital importance of professional growth opportunities but also offer practical strategies for incorporating them into your academic offerings. Presented by Infobase & CHOICE. Panelists: Brad Gray, Product Portfolio Manager, Infobase Natalie Murray, Product Manager, Infobase Register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TUREJx7HQ6KmCrCl5b2wBA Can’t attend? Register now, and you’ll be emailed a recording of the webinar, after the live session ends, to view at your convenience!