Champlain College Saint-Lambert in Quebec is a longtime subscriber of Credo Reference and a Cégep. In Infobase’s latest case study, Nicole Haché, Librarian at Champlain’s George Wallace Library, shares her... read more →
Leverages Infobase’s Acclaimed Online Products to Enhance Teaching, Learning, and Research Skills From teenagers who just graduated high school to working adults who need new career skills, students approach college... read more →
According to the ALA, co-curricular learning is an approach to teaching experiential learning using activities or programs for students outside of their coursework that includes intentional learning and development. Students... read more →
As we prepare to enter a new year (2021 already?!), it’s fun to look back on the last. We discovered some interesting trends from the past year by compiling some... read more →
Thinking of creative ways to teach the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Frames using Credo Reference? In this piece, we’ll cover three frames that can dive deeper into... read more →