New Resource for National History Day Comes to Infobase History Databases

New Resource for National History Day Comes to Infobase History Databases

Every school year, thousands of students participate in the year-long National History Day competition as an exciting way for students to learn about historical research and analysis. Infobase is proud to support this competition with a new feature in its history databases. This new feature can be found under “Browse Resources” on the home page and in the Browse drop-down menu at the top of any page in the following databases:

  •   African-American History
  •   American History
  •   American Indian History
  •   Ancient and Medieval History
  •   Modern World History

National History Day logoThe theme for the 2021–2022 competition is Debate & Diplomacy in History. Each history database features its own curated list of suggested searches in accordance with the theme of the competition. These suggested searches will provide students with fresh ideas as well as the primary and secondary source content needed to make their project a success. Classroom teachers and library/media specialists will find this new feature extremely useful when working with students on their projects. 

Containing thousands of historical documents, scholarly articles, images, maps, slideshows, timelines, and videos, the history databases are the perfect complement to National History Day. 

For more information on National History Day, visit their website at

Infobase History Databases Provide Comprehensive History Content—80 Years of Scholarship

Infobase’s acclaimed history databases—American History, African-American History, American Indian History, Ancient and Medieval History, and Modern World History—are designed to assist educators and students with their research needs. Our editorial team has benchmarked industry best practices and analyzed customer feedback to provide you with the best history offerings in the market.

Click on the links below for more information about American History:

Click on the links below for more information about African-American History:

Click on the links below for more information about American Indian History:

Click on the links below for more information about Ancient and Medieval History:

Click on the links below for more information about Modern World History:

See also: