Within Classroom Video On Demand, find the heroic story of how science conquered the virus that was the scourge of the 20th century; uncover the mysterious life of one of the most celebrated artists of all time; and raise awareness and foster understanding for those on the autism spectrum. And check out the complete calendar (accessible via the menu in the header, top left of the platform)—a handy source for ideas throughout the year.
Jonas Salk Announces Development of Polio Vaccine, March 26, 1953
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Modern Marvels: Polio Vaccine (Item #42887)
- A Paralyzing Fear: The Story of Polio in America (Item #65970)
- Unconditional Surrender (from the Prelinger Archives) (Item #41786)
Birthday: Vincent van Gogh, March 30, 1853
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Van Gogh: Great Artists (Series 1) (Item #59668)
- Van Gogh: The Impressionists, with Tim Marlow (Item #59699)
- The Power of Art: Van Gogh (Item #55751)
April Is Autism Awareness Month
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Autism’s Prevalence Grows (Item #53411)
- The Autism Puzzle (Item #48649)
- TEDTalks: Temple Grandin—The World Needs All Kinds of Minds (Item #48496)