While social and emotional learning (SEL) has been around for a long time, it is quickly becoming one of the most talked about topics in education. If you’re like us,... read more →
Several months ago—back when our pre-pandemic world was generally open for business—I delivered a presentation about social-emotional learning at a statewide conference during which I spoke about how Infobase’s products... read more →
On April 27, 2020, approximately one-and-a-half months into the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced that she would not be recommending that Congress pass any waivers regarding... read more →
To all of the adults who are in some way, shape, or form supporting children during this time: WE’VE GOT YOU. We appreciate that social distancing and distance learning have... read more →
Living overseas for five years forced me to move quickly from “oh, no way! I could never teach my own kid” to becoming a homeschool mom in a matter of... read more →