Professional Development for School Librarians: Why Is It Important? Webinar

Professional Development for School Librarians: Why Is It Important? Webinar

Professional development is a journey that’s not only good for your day-to-day work but for your health and well-being, too. It can help you build confidence, make you more efficient as a worker, and re-energize your creativity. So, where can a school librarian get started? This webinar with librarian Elizabeth Hutchinson will help school librarians discover their own focus whilst creating a plan to help them stay motivated and challenged.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What professional development is and why it is important.
  • How professional development is good for your mental health.
  • How your focus can guide your learning.
  • How to create a professional development plan for you and your library.

About Elizabeth Hutchinson:
Elizabeth HutchintonElizabeth Hutchinson is a chartered librarian and Fellow of CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals). With nearly 20 years in school libraries, she is now a trainer and adviser and an advocate for FOSIL—inquiry-based learning. She was awarded the BEM for services to libraries in 2020 and is an international speaker, blogger, and author of a number of published articles.

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