Selected Infobase databases now feature an “Export to NoodleTools” option for citation information. This new feature can be found via the Citation pop-up window on any page users wish to... read more →
A wealth of new and timely content has been added to Health Reference Center, including more than 350 new articles and more than 1,000 updated articles on deadly diseases such... read more →
More than 1,900 full-length videos on a range of topics have just been added to Health Reference Center. These videos are made up of 2,700+ segments, bringing the total number... read more →
The current outbreak of vaping-related illnesses and deaths has been making news headlines, as it becomes clear that more understanding and awareness is needed of the very real dangers of... read more →
Nine new Teens’ Healthy Choices videos have just been added to Health Reference Center. Now totaling 18 in number, the proprietary Teens’ Healthy Choices videos feature teens speaking to teens... read more →