If you’re considering investing in online learning tech, knowing where to start may feel overwhelming. Technology has revolutionized today’s learning experience. Teaching no longer has to be confined to a... read more →
Virtual events are the new “in” thing. They offer an opportunity to let people enjoy the comforts of their own home while still being able to enjoy what the world... read more →
“When technology integration is organic, it emerges naturally. It is not forced.” —Adam Juarez & Katherine Goyette, The Complete EdTech Coach In 2021, we have seen a move from traditional... read more →
With home working and remote learning on the rise, it’s an important time to consider whether you are optimizing teacher-student communication. Learning institutions, teachers, and students have all had to... read more →
Now that the fall semester is in high gear, you may be asked to do an online library instruction for selected classes. Have you thought about ways to embed yourself... read more →