Classroom Video On Demand focuses on a “date which will live in infamy,” one of the most controversial figures in history, and a day dedicated to promoting fairness and equality around the globe. Subscribers can also explore the complete calendar (accessible via the menu in the header, top left)—a handy source for ideas throughout the year.
Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941
Consider these titles for your classes:
- THC Classroom: Remembering WWII—Pearl Harbor (Item #43131)
- Unsung Heroes of Pearl Harbor (Item #43118)
- Remembering the Pearl Harbor Attack (Item #131229)
Napoleon Is Crowned Emperor of France, December 2, 1804
Consider these titles for your classes:
- Life Under Napoleon: A Social History series (Item #38746)
- Napoleon Bonaparte: The Glory of France (Item #42503)
- Napoleon series (Item #93179)
Human Rights Day, December 10
Consider these titles for your classes:
- The Uprooted (Item #138066)
- The Price of Fairness (Item #133180)
- TEDTalks: Jimmy Carter—Why I Believe the Mistreatment of Women Is the Number One Human Rights Abuse (Item #114628)