Mandatory Vaccinations: A Featured Controversy from Issues & Controversies

Mandatory Vaccinations: A Featured Controversy from Issues & Controversies

Featured in Issues & Controversies:
MANDATORY VACCINATIONS: Should Vaccination Be Mandatory?

Vaccines save lives. Herd immunity is essential to safeguarding public health and protecting people with immune system disorders. Scientists have thoroughly debunked claims that vaccines are harmful, and states should not concede to a fringe and dangerous anti-vax movement by allowing selfish and unnecessary exemptions.

States have no right to make decisions about people’s bodies and health. Mandatory vaccination laws could pave the way toward even more intrusive, government-mandated health care decisions. Forcing people to be vaccinated only fosters more widespread resistance and is thoroughly un-American.

Let your students review the facts and decide for themselves: Should vaccination be mandatory? Be sure to check out Issues & Controversies’ complete and unbiased coverage of this divisive issue. Enhance the debate with the discussion questions, “By the Numbers” data, audio content, court case, editorials, and newsfeed that are linked to the article.

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