Case Study: How One High School Library Is Simplifying Student Research and Classroom Instruction In an effort to increase information literacy skills and support curriculum instruction, Oak Creek High School... read more →
As part of a campus Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Florida Southwestern State College (FSW) identified an opportunity to energize and improve information literacy instruction. Using Infobase’s Credo Reference, FSW’s librarians... read more →
What’s New in Learn360: Content Ideas to Use in Your Classroom: Webinar Explore Learn360’s newest content and features! Learn360 provides unlimited access to K–12 educational content for all subjects. In... read more →
Seamless Streaming on Demand: The Infobase Approach to Video Collection Development: Webinar Watch this 15-minute webinar to gain a comprehensive understanding of the value Infobase’s streaming video products can bring... read more →
What's New in Films On Demand—A Content Tour for 2024: Webinar You know that Films On Demand brings unlimited access to multidisciplinary educational content from such producers as BBC, HBO®,... read more →